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Prakriti Soni - Unapologetically Myself


Home Newsroom Stories Prakriti Soni - Unapologetically Myself
Author : mahindraadmin   Category : Values   Published : 6/26/2023

With our #RiseWithPride series, we celebrate the inspiring spirit of our associates who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We begin the series with Prakriti.

“You know how some memories just stay with you? For me, it was a frock I wanted when I was three. I can never forget that feeling. I can also never forget the lessons life taught me after that.

Throughout my teens, I kept getting reminded – ‘You’re a boy, act like one!’ But that wasn’t how I felt. Unlike the people calling me names, my parents were extremely supportive, and Maa remained my best friend. Since everyone called me unnatural, Maa named me ‘Prakriti’.

But I was growing uncomfortable in my own body. Every day, I looked in the mirror and wished I looked different. After gathering information and courage, I admitted to myself – I’m trans.

I saw Maa’s heart change after talking to some neighbourhood aunties. Maa and Mamu called it a “phase” and tried to stop me from leaving for Bengaluru for my graduation. But I didn’t want to live life on their terms anymore. So, I left against Maa’s wishes. In Bengaluru, my friends became my family.

In October 2020, I began transitioning medically. When I got my first hormone shot, I was all alone, shivering in the doctor’s office. It felt so overwhelming! After the appointment, a million thoughts ran through my mind – and I fainted! But things got better as the sessions went on. Every injection was a reminder of how much I wanted this.

Maa has come around bit by bit and I’m trying to make the most out of life now. I’m pursuing my passion for being an actor and being an advocate for my community. I’m thankful that I get to be unapologetically myself.

I have lost out on so many jobs once they find out I’m trans – it’s not my talent that gets judged, but my identity. It reminds me that there’s still such a long way to go.

In September 2022, I was invited for a Consultation on the Plight of Transgender Individuals in India by the National Council for Women (NCW), and I was the youngest panellist. It filled me with hope.

At Mahindra, as a D&I professional, I get to work with my colleagues to create a more and more inclusive environment. Together, we can #RiseForAMoreEqualWorld.”

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